Monday, May 21, 2012

Advice for future developers:

Soon, I'll occupy a shiny new office. It's been a learning experience.

When moving from one office building to another, moving a computer & backup hard-drive containing your docs & code-base is far easier than moving dead-tree copies of same.

To pacify programmers' rebellions, it's best to hold off moving the computers until you have internet setup and the facilities cabled and ready to go.

Friday, May 4, 2012


Anybody know a master of embedded Linux who might spare some sympathy troubleshooting for a poor Linux acolyte who might be a little out of his depth?

(I mean me--the acolyte, not the master.)

Just because I've successfully built one product based on embedded Linux, my boss expects me to kinda be able to whip them out now--but my level of mastery is far from awesome.  I'm still coming to grips with many of the whizzy bits, not yet having time to learn the snazze-bangs!

If you're reading this, please think some good thoughts into the past (like pictures, every photo of you is a picture of you in the past) and hopefully the combined psychic energy of my eventual cult-like following after I die a beloved artist/dictator/liberator/inventor/other will sway the tide of this battle.
