Monday, February 6, 2012

Monday, Monday!

So, this weekend I moved my minecraft server to a dedicated machine--as opposed to "crashey" my computer. Sadly, in order to wire it to the network I had to disconnect the PS3 from the wired ethernet and connect it to wifi. _sigh_ First world problems, I guess.

Plus, totally forgot the add an SSH server to the minecraft-server... so while it's running fine at the moment, I'll have to move it to my keyboard/monitor in order to correct that.

Mentally debating getting a cheap switch to go with the router...

Tuesday: Due to the modem & router being lumped together; both were over-heating and causing intermittent flakiness of the internet connection.  Separated them and now it's better.

Plus, totally got home to discover the *new* minecraft server's hard-drive had gone kaput.  So, spent two hours installing Ubuntu server, ssh, samba, java, and the latest bukkit jar on a hard-drive which was just hanging about.  Restored from the backup made last Sunday--and up and running again.

Piracy the excuse, creating the "crime" so they can get laws passed

Recently found out Blogger (Google's Blogger) has started a by-country censorship program... which sucks, 'cause I totally dig Google.

Ugh, I think I sprained my brain yesterday--it still hurts today.
Today I learned one can use 'ssh -X' and be able to launch graphical x-server apps via ssh connection.  Very cool.

Nothing to report.  Stay strong y'all.

-Stray Thoughts-
Inspired by this video:
How hard would (self balancing) spinning device be?  We could use it on washing machines and car tires...

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