Friday, February 24, 2012

President's Day!
Grrr. I dislike useless holidays--the kind where the bus isn't running normally but I do not get the day off work. Had to walk 3 miles to get there. (Monday)

Learned I can do cgi scripts in my embedded Linux devices as simply as throwing in a bash script! Happy I discovered this, wish I'd figured it out sooner. (Tuesday)

Bash scripts cannot handle non-integer math... (Wednesday)

Late getting to work. _sigh_

Pro-tip: If you've used buildroot to assemble a Linux OS for your embedded device and need to cross-compile some c code to run on said device, you can use:


I spent literally 3 days (on & off) trying to find that particular bit of info.  You're welcome.

Was super excited to see the tekkit (modded minecraft) server pack is up! I've installed a test-server on my rig and once it's ready will be trying to move my players to it...

Hey, when coding in C, if some function that should be in there isn't working, check you're included headers.  And then, check again.

Didn't get home till near midnight last night--stupid bus system.  Today, arrived late. Feels like I have a hot knife in my left temple... _sigh_  Hoping for a good weekend.

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